Jadwal Penerbangan
In this lesson, you will read a flight schedule published in a newspaper.
Primary text:
Topic of lesson:
Language focus:
Information about Jadwal Penerbangan, Kompas, Central Java edition, August 3, 2010, page B.
Reading a flight schedule.
Vocabulary and abbreviations found on flight schedules such as words for arrival, departure, airport, and airline.
Mendaftar Universitas
In this lesson, you will read an advertisement for an Indonesian university.
Primary text:
Topics of lesson:
Language focus:
Advertisement for Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Tempo, April 19-25, 2010, page 90.
Application steps and registration process in Indonesian universities.
Vocabulary related to steps for applying to a university.
Iklan Obat
In this lesson, you will read an advertisement for a type of over-the-counter remedy.
Primary text:
Topic of lesson:
Language focus:
Advertisement for Tiger Balm, Tempo, March 22-28, 2010, page 58.
Reading an advertisement about an over-the-counter remedy.
Vocabulary related to ailments, effectiveness, and quality of the remedy.
Brosur Jamu
In this lesson, you will read a pamphlet with advertisements for two types of jamu, natural tonics, made in Indonesia.
Primary text:
Topic of lesson:
Language focus:
Brochure about Jamu.
Reading two advertisements for jamu.
Vocabulary related to the ingredients and benefits of jamu.
Kartu Pos
In this lesson, you will read a postcard written in the United States and sent to family in Yogyakarta.
Primary text:
Topics of lesson:
Language focus:
Format and topics of an informal letter: opening and closing greetings, formulaic questions, sender, recipient, address, and contents.
Informal language variants and the use of the connector, soalnya.
Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan
In this lesson, you will read a job application letter.
Primary text:
Topic of lesson:
Language focus:
Letter of application.
Learning about the format and content of a job application letter.
Vocabulary and formulaic phrases used in a formal letter.
Undangan Pernikahan
In this lesson, you will read a wedding invitation from Yogyakarta.
Primary text:
Topic of lesson:
Language focus:
Invitation to a wedding in Yogyakarta.
Understanding the format and content of a wedding invitation.
Vocabulary related to the wedding ceremony, religious terms, formulaic expressions, naming customs, and the influence of foreign languages.
Surat dari Rumah
In this lesson, you will read a letter from a mother to her daughter who is living abroad.
Primary text:
Topic of lesson:
Language focus:
Letter from home.
Reading an informal letter and understanding the format, formulaic greetings, closings, and expressions.
Concepts of bersyukur and rindu, use of dapat as an auxiliary verb, and the use of reverse deictics in letter-writing.