Daftar Kosakata
alami | natural |
asma | asthma |
badan | body |
bahan | ingredient |
bahan utama | main ingredient |
bernapas | to breathe |
calon | candidate |
dulu | formerly, previously |
gemuk | fat |
haus | thirsty |
jamin | to guarantee |
dijamin | to be guaranteed |
jamu | a mixture of medicinal herbs |
kembali | to return |
dikembalikan | to be returned |
khasiat | healing power |
langsing | slim |
lemas | weak |
mengantuk | sleepy |
obat | medicine |
pengobatan | treatment |
pijat | massage |
pusing sebelah | migraine |
rutin | routine |
secara rutin | routinely |
sakit | ill |
penyakit | illness, disease |
segar | fresh |
sehat | healthy |
kesehatan | health |
sembuh | cured |
setelah | after |
tubuh | body |
daya tahan tubuh | immunity |
turun | go down; decrease |