Daftar Kosakata

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ajak to invite
anggap to consider
apalagi moreover
dengan hati-hati carefully, cautiously
hadapi to encounter
hati liver; heart (See Catatan Bahasa dan Budaya nomor 1.)
hubungan relationship
    berhubungan connected
ijin permission (The standard spelling is izin but ijin is frequently used in spoken and written contexts.) 
    mengijinkan to give permission
langkah step
    melangkahi to go first, skip over; to step over (See Catatan Bahasa dan Budaya nomor 3.)
masalah problem
murung sad, depressed
namun but, however
peduli to care
pendapat opinion
pengasuh consultant
penghargaan award
tahap stage
timbul to emerge, appear
utarakan to tell, state